A fusion of stories, math, and AI tutor.

Storybook Network Logo

Development Timeline

20 FEB 2024: Name change to Storybook.

15 FEB - 4 MAR 2024: Microsoft Global AI Hackathon. Login to Devpost to Read Our Project Report

10 FEB 2024: Won 1st place in 'most innovative startup idea' category at the MLH event where Google was a sponsor.

5 FEB 2024: Business entity formed in North Carolina.

1 FEB 2024: We published the demo video educational game.

15-31 JAN 2024: We prototyped an educational game at the Major League Hacking (MLH) Month Long January 2024 hackathon. Login to Devpost to Read Our Project Report


We are a club of makers and creators who share curiousity about the potential to fuse stories, word problems, and AI for education. We do this inconjunction with hackathons and makerfaires. We have prototyped elements of educational games, publishing, and AI assistants. We take inspiration from a child's questions and individualized AI answers that a world's worth of written knowledge provides.


Our main game concept is a 2D platformer with a focus on educational content combined with AI tutoring. Experiments have included Microsoft Co-pilots, OpenAi GPTs, and Google's Gemini.


Our latest demo video was a fullstack demo using Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to deploy a fusion of story, math, and AI tutoring using React on frontend, midtier in #C and Python, and backend on Cloud SQL.